Saturday, December 15, 2007

Permen Karet

Dahulu ada cerita lucu tentang Perdana Menteri Singapura yang mengadakan jamuan makan dengan Menlu Thailand. Yah cerita ini sudah lama sekali saya dengar dari sepupu saya, mungkin waktu jaman kuliah dulu.

After finish eating the Lobster, they’re making conversation.

Sing: In your country, what do you do with the lobster’s shell?

Thai: Nope… We get nothing to do, we just throw it away.

Sing: In our country, we send the shell to the factory and produce prawn cracker then export it to Thailand

After finish eating the fruit, they’re making conversation.

Sing: In your country, what do you do with the orange peel?

Thai: Nope… We get nothing to do, we just throw it away.

Sing: In our country, we send the peel to the factory and produce orange candy then export it to Thailand

The Thai minister then offering bubble gum to Sing Prime Minister, after that they’re making conversation

Sing: In your country, what do you do with the wasted bubble gum?

Thai: Nope… We get nothing to do, we just throw it away.

Sing: In our country, we send the wasted gum to the factory and produce condom then export it to Thailand

Silence for a while, then for the first time, the Thai Minister started the conversation.

Thai: Uhm, and what your country do with the used-condom?

Sing: Nope… We get nothing to do, we just throw it away.

Thai: In our country, we send the used-condom to the factory and produce bubble gum the send it back to Singapore.

Since that final conversation, all kind of bubble gums is prohibited in Singapore.

Kemarin saya membaca di harian kompas, Bea Cukai menahan kontainer yang berisi kondom bekas pakai dengan berat total 25 ton yang diimpor dari Jerman oleh PT BRT. Entahlah apakah itu kondom lengkap dengan isinya atau tidak, mungkin PT BRT juga berniat memproduksi permen karet dari kondom bekas tersebut, dan me re-ekspor ke Jerman. Entahlah. Di Indonesia apa sih yang tidak mungkin? Kondom bekas pakai saja bisa diimpor. What impossible is impossibility itself.

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